
Being a member of leading industry groups allows us to expand our network, build knowledge, stay informed and ensure our voice is heard.

Shetland Aerogenerators are an associate member of SafetyOn, an open network of health and safety experts, professionals and stakeholders that provide health and safety leadership to the onshore wind industry. The organisation ensures transparency throughout the industry and aims to show stakeholders that health and safety risks can be mitigated through co-operation and shared learning.

Shetland Aerogenerators is a full member of the Shetland Net Zero Energy Forum, with chief executive David Thomson sitting as a co-chair on the forum. The aim of the forum is to champion Shetland’s transition to net zero by encouraging members to connect with other organisations, expand net zero activities, collaborate on public consultations and access net zero training and learning.

Membership of Scottish Renewables enables us to access valuable industry materials, connect with policymakers, and raise our professional profile.

ISO Accreditations

The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has created standards which are internationally recognised and agreed by experts. ISO accreditation demonstates to external stakeholders that a company has been assesed and meets the requirements for standards. This establishes a companies credability.

We are currently in the process of working towards accreditation for the following ISO standards:
